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Case Studies and Real Stories of Autoimmune Freedom

Reversing symptoms and healing isn’t a miracle…
Our bodies were designed to heal.
You need to know how to support the body and give it what it needs.

Watch the case studies below to see people just like you, who have found their freedom from autoimmune disease and related symptoms.


Weight Issues, Thyroid, EBV, Breast Cancer, Mold, Sleep Issues

Get a detailed account of this Eating Psychology Coach who says she’s “tried everything” and was “at the end of her rope” before but now has been able to shift her symptoms, diagnosis, and dropped medications dramatically though this “whole picture” approach.


Anxiety, Digestive Distress, Fatigue, Depression, Breast Cancer

Hear directly from Terri on how she took the “ball and chain” of illness and learned how to cut herself loose and get free from symptoms which no longer own her!

PANEL: Jackie, Jess, Theresa

Anxiety, Digestive Distress, Fatigue, Depression, Breast Cancer

With a long list of debilitating symptoms hear how these three very different women are finding freedom and a whole new reality!

PANEL: Bethany, Joanna, Elizabeth, Theresa, Laura, Anissa, Laural, Jessica

Variety of Challenges

Detailed stories of how eight different women In various stages of healing discuss their journeys.


Ankylosing Spondylitis, Carpal Tunnel, Hip Dysplasia

Discover what Keeley did to get on the right healing path to stop her constant pain, eliminate the heavy autoimmune meds, and get her life back!


Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue

With a long list of debilitating symptoms such as brain fog, anxiety, depression, chronic dry eye, and hypersensitivity… get the specifics on Nicole’s health journey off her medication and back to her happy self!