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Kirstin Carey

Kirstin Carey

After freeing herself from Celiac Disease (dx 2008) and Hashimoto’s (dx 2013), Kirstin has become a leading expert in helping others stop symptoms, reverse disease progression, and heal from autoimmune. She has worked with hundreds of autoimmune clients – including her own personal healing journey – to learn how to effectively tie together three crucial components of reaching autoimmune freedom and share them with others. Learn more about Kirstin here

11 Biggest Lab Lies

Here are the 11 Biggest Lab Lies that can get in the way of true healing… 1 – Normal is Healthy Normal isn’t necessarily healthy. Just because results are common, doesn’t mean they are healthy or optimal. If you are symptomatic,…

Reversing Autoimmune Disease in 3 Days

Can you stop symptoms and start reversing disease in just three days? The short answer is a resounding YES! The catch is… you have to know how.  Through the hundreds of clients we’ve worked with, what we found is that there are 5 specific…

Recipes to Boost Energy and Beat Belly Fat

The holidays can be stressful, which often decreases healthy eating choices, leading to fatigue, weight gain, and hormone imbalance. And no one feels good when they’re tired and carrying around excess mid-section weight. Get yourself ready to start 2017 off…

7 Foods that Make Fatigue Worse

Are these foods making your life harder? Food plays a big roll in looks, energy, and thoughts and being tired makes everything more difficult. Discover the 7 foods that drain energy, increase illness, and decrease your overall health and wellness.…