Kirstin Carey, Author at Nourish123 - Page 15 of 15
Kirstin Carey

Kirstin Carey

After freeing herself from Celiac Disease (dx 2008) and Hashimoto’s (dx 2013), Kirstin has become a leading expert in helping others stop symptoms, reverse disease progression, and heal from autoimmune. She has worked with hundreds of autoimmune clients – including her own personal healing journey – to learn how to effectively tie together three crucial components of reaching autoimmune freedom and share them with others. Learn more about Kirstin here

60% of People are Lactose Intolerant

Milk…it does NOT do a body good! If you have challenges with gas, bloating, cramps, or other stomach ailments, lactose may be the cause.  Just check out this USA Today article published August 30, 2009 on how many people around…

Delicious “Empty the Fridge” Salad

Build your own beautiful, tasty, and nourishing salad out of whatever you’ve got in your refrigerator.  When it comes to salads, nearly any combination of ingredients works. Here are just a few things you probably have in your fridge or…