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Kirstin Carey

Kirstin Carey

After freeing herself from Celiac Disease (dx 2008) and Hashimoto’s (dx 2013), Kirstin has become a leading expert in helping others stop symptoms, reverse disease progression, and heal from autoimmune. She has worked with hundreds of autoimmune clients – including her own personal healing journey – to learn how to effectively tie together three crucial components of reaching autoimmune freedom and share them with others. Learn more about Kirstin here

13 Biggest Blocks to Healing

People often ask us what we’ve found to be the most common hurdles to the healing process. So, in no specific order, these are the Top 13 Biggest Blocks we see to people being able to get on the right…

What’s the truth…?

How much longer can you go on feeling like this? The fatigue, the anxiety, the pain, the digestive issues… they’re not normal. You shouldn’t feel like that. And deep down, you know that. Let the truth surface, rather than stuffing…

Feeling suffocated?

Hey… guess what? You are worth the effort it takes to heal.  Don’t let your amazing true authentic self become buried and suffocated under the weight of your symptoms…. Step up for your SELF. Click here to make an appointment…

A Community of Healing

The majority of people who have autoimmune disease are smart women who have always been the kind of woman to “get things done.” But it’s this “do it” attitude that often gets them in trouble because they ignore the signs their body…

Getting the Right Support

Find a practitioner who is already where you want to be and understands what you’re going though. If you could have stopped the progression of your disease, turned your symptoms around, and healed… you would have done so already. To accelerate your…

A Broken System

The United States recently won, for the FIFTH year in a row, the pathetic designation of having the WORST health care system among industrialized nations by the Commonwealth Fund due to poor outcomes, despite spending the most amount of money. So, if you…